Above All Names | Week 4

December 31, 2023 Big Idea As Everlasting Father, Jesus invites us to live with an eternal purpose. Scripture Ecclesiastes 3:11, 1 John 1:1-2, 2 Corinthians 4:18, and John 6:68 Overview Happy New [...]

Above All Names | Week 3

December 23, 2023 Big Idea As Prince of Peace, Jesus brings wholeness to our broken lives. Scripture John 14:27, John 16:33, Isaiah 26:3, Colossians 3:15, and Luke 1:78-79 Overview Merry [...]

Above All Names | Week 2

December 17, 2023 Big Idea As Mighty God, Jesus empowers us to live a life of courage. Scripture Matthew 1:22-23, Ephesians 1:18-21, Colossians 1:9-12, Ephesians 3:20-21 Overview Each week of our [...]

Above All Names | Week 1

December 10, 2023 Big Idea As Wonderful Counselor, Jesus invites us into a wonder-filled life. Scripture Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 7:28-29, Matthew 15:30-31, and Luke 2:16-18 Overview Each week of this [...]

Above All Names | Worship Experience

December 3, 2023 Scripture Isaiah 9:6, Psalm 145:1-7, Matthew 2:11 and Psalm 34:1-3 Overview On Worship Experience Sunday, we only aimed to adore our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We started [...]

Above All Names

And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. . . Writing about 700 years before the birth of Jesus, the prophet Isaiah described the coming King in [...]

Lost Cause | Week 5

November 26, 2023 | How Your Story can Bless the World Big Idea When we live out the B.L.E.S.S. practices, we will revive evangelism and the lost will find their way back to God. Scripture John [...]

Lost Cause | Week 4

November 19, 2023 | Why we need to serve others Big Idea If we are going to revive evangelism, we must offer genuine friendship to others Scripture Matthew 11:16-19, John 13:1-17 and Luke [...]

Lost Cause | Week 3

November 12, 2023 | How we can change the world one meal at a time Big Idea If we are going to revive evangelism, we need to live and tell new stories. Scripture Luke 15 and Matthew 9:9-13 Series [...]

Lost Cause | Week 2

November 5, 2023 | Why we need to listen Big Idea If we are going to revive evangelism, it starts with what we value. We need to value what God values. Scripture Matthew 22:34-40, John 3:16, John [...]

Lost Cause | Week 1

October 29, 2023 | We need a new way to evangelize Big Idea If we are going to fulfill the vision of Jesus (Acts 1:8), we must be about the mission of Jesus (Luke 19:10), and that means we must [...]

Lost Cause

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10) We are called to this “lost” cause, and yet many of us shrink back from sharing the good news of Jesus or see evangelism as [...]

Hearing God | Week 4

October 22, 2023 | How we hear God’s voice through prophetic words Big Idea God communicates with us through other people. Practicing simple prophecy can help us strengthen, encourage and comfort [...]

Hearing God | Week 3

October 15, 2023 | How we hear God’s voice through the Holy Spirit Big Idea God communicates with us through his Spirit within us, who gently whispers to our hearts and our minds. Scripture 1 [...]

Celebration Generosity | 2023

October 8, 2023 Scripture Romans 12:2 and Matthew 6:10 Opening Question What’s the most generous gift you’ve ever received? How did it make you feel? Did it impact your life in any way? Series [...]

Next Level | Week 3

September 17, 2023 | Accountable Friends Big Idea Next Level friendships mature with accountability. Scripture Galatians 2:11-14, Ephesians 5:21, Proverbs 27:6 and Proverbs 27:17 Opening Question [...]

Celebration Generosity 23

Each year, we designate our weekend offering to support our partner initiatives to accomplish the Jesus Mission. We call this weekend Celebration Generosity.

Hearing God | Week 2

October 1, 2023 | How we hear God’s voice through Scripture Big Idea God communicates to us through Scripture. We hear from God by listening to Scripture with our heads and our hearts. Scripture [...]

Hearing God | Week 1

September 24, 2023 | How we hear God’s voice through Jesus Big Idea The primary way God has spoken to the world is in Jesus. Hearing God begins with meeting Jesus. Scripture Luke 24:13-35, John [...]

Hearing God

A disciple is a person who hears from God and does what he says. One of the most important tasks of the disciple, therefore, is to learn to hear God’s voice. This series we will learn how to hear [...]

Next Level | Week 2

September 10, 2023 | Authentic Friends Big Idea Next Level friendships deepen with authenticity. Scripture 1 Samuel 14:1-15, 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 1 Samuel 23:15-18 and Galatians 6:2 Opening Questions [...]

Next Level | Week 1

September 3, 2023 | Available Friends Big Idea Next Level friendships start with availability. Scripture Ephesians 4:16 and Mark 2:1-12 Opening Questions Phones have come a long way through the [...]

Next Level

We all have a longing for deep friendships, in fact we need them. We form friendships in many different arenas, in many different ways. Yet, many times these friendships feel a bit stuck on the [...]

Kingdom Perspectives | Part 3

August 27, 2023 | The Good Samaritan Scripture Luke 10:25-37 Opening Questions Have you ever been on a mission trip? If so, what was that experience like for you? If not, would you consider [...]

I AM | Week 5

August 20, 2023 | I AM the vine Big Idea “Remaining” in Jesus is the answer to longing for how to make lasting change possible. He is the vine and we are the branches. Scripture John 15:1-8 and [...]

I AM | Week 4

August 13, 2023 | I AM the way Big Idea Jesus is the answer to which path we should follow. He is the way. Scripture John 14:1-7, John 14:8-21 and Matthew 11:28-30 Opening Questions Share a time [...]

I AM | Week 3

August 6, 2023 | I AM the resurrection and the life Big Idea Jesus is the answer to our need for hope. He is the resurrection and the life. Scripture John 11:1-16, John 11:17-27 and John 11:28-44 [...]

I AM | Week 2

July 30, 2023 | I AM the Good Shepherd Big Idea Jesus is the answer to our need for intimacy with God. He is the Good Shepherd and the gate. Scripture John 10:1-6, John 10:7-18 and Psalm 23 [...]

I AM | Week 1

July 23, 2023 | I AM the bread of life Big Idea Jesus is the answer to our deepest hunger. He is the bread of life. Scripture Exodus 3:13-15, John 6:1-15, John 6:25-40, John 17:3 Opening [...]

Genetically Generous | Week 4

July 16, 2023 | Excelling in the Grace of Giving Big Idea We’re all wired for generosity, but we express it in various ways. Scripture 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 Opening Questions Have you ever taken [...]


Who is Jesus? In the Book of John, Jesus reveals his identity through a series of “I AM” statements. “I AM” is the name God gives himself in the Old Testament (Exodus 3:13-15), and when Jesus [...]

Genetically Generous | Week 3

July 9, 2023 | What’s Your Generosity Profile? Part 2 Big Idea We’re all wired for generosity, but we express it in various ways. Scripture 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 Opening Questions What gift [...]

Genetically Generous | Week 2

July 2, 2023 | What’s Your Generosity Profile? Part 1 Big Idea We’re all wired for generosity, but we express it in various ways. Scripture Psalm 139:13-14 Opening Questions If someone gave [...]

Genetically Generous | Week 1

June 25, 2023 | We are Wired for Generosity Big Idea We’re wired for generosity because we’re made in the image of a generous God. Scripture 1 John 4:7-8 & Psalm 24:1-2 Opening Questions Have [...]

Kingdom Perspectives | Part 2

June 18, 2023 | The Rich Young Rule & The Kingdom of God Scripture Mark 10:17-31 Opening Questions Have you traveled outside of the United States? If so, what was that experience like for [...]

Genetically Generous

We are all genetically wired for generosity, but we experience this wiring differently. Understanding your profile can help you leverage your natural inclinations and also challenge you to [...]

YOU+ Parenting | Week 5

June 11, 2023 | How Can We Cultivate Good Hearts in our Kids? Big Idea Jesus came to bring a YOU+ life that cultivates good character in your children. Scripture Romans 12:9, Matthew 12:35, [...]

YOU+ Parenting | Week 4

June 4, 2023, 2023 | How Can We Encourage Healthy Friendships for our Kids? Big Idea Jesus came to bring a YOU+ life through which your children experience meaningful friendships. Scripture [...]

YOU+ Parenting | Week 3

May 28, 2023 | Mental Health and Your Kids Part 1: Anxiety and Depression Big Idea Jesus came to bring a YOU+ life that offers hope to your children. Scripture John 11:17-44, John 16:33b Opening [...]

YOU+ Parenting | Week 2

May 21, 2023 | Mental Health and Your Kids Part 1: Anxiety and Depression Big Idea Jesus came to bring a YOU+ life that offers healing to your children. Scripture Psalm 69: 1-2,19-20; Deuteronomy [...]

YOU+ Parenting | Week 1

May 14, 2023 | How can we help our kids find their purpose? Big Idea Parents are strategically placed to help their children start a journey toward the YOU+ life Jesus came to bring. Scripture [...]

Why Church? | Part 4

May 7, 2023 | What is The Mission of The Church? Big Idea God created the church to carry out his mission in the world. Scripture Luke 19:1-10; Luke 4:18-19; 2 Timothy 2:2; John 20:21-22 Opening [...]

Why Church? | Part 3

April 30, 2023 | Why Should The Church Gather Big Idea God created the church for us to experience his transforming presence. Scripture Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 25:8, Exodus 40:33-35, John 1:1-3, [...]

Why Church? | Part 2

April 23, 2023 | Why Did God Create the Church? Big Idea God created the church to image himself in the world. Scripture Genesis 1:26-28, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Opening Questions How have you [...]

Why Church? | Part 1

April 16, 2023 | Why Do We Need The Church? Big Idea God created the church as a community of people committed to living out their allegiance to Jesus by gathering to worship him, sharing life [...]

Peace | Part 2

April 9, 2023 | How Can I Find Peace? Big Idea Through his death and resurrection, Jesus brought us peace. Scripture John 20:19-23, 2 Corinthians 5:17-20, Romans 5:1-5 Opening Questions How have [...]

Peace | Part 1

April 2, 2023 | The Cost of Peace Big Idea Jesus reveals true peacemaking and calls us to follow him in his peacemaking ways. Scripture Luke 19:28-44 Opening Questions How have you been able to [...]

Kingdom Perspectives | Part 1

March 26, 2023 | The Parable of the Lost Son Scripture Luke 15:1-32 Opening Questions How have you been able to B.L.E.S.S. others recently? If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who [...]

YOU+ | Week 10

March 12, 2023 | Follow the Golden Rule Big Idea Disciples of Jesus hear from God and do what he says. Scripture Matthew 7:13-29 Opening Questions What is the difference between knowing many [...]

YOU+ | Week 9

March 5, 2023 | Follow the Golden Rule Big Idea Disciples of Jesus treat others the way they want to be treated. Scripture Matthew 7:1-12 Opening Questions How have you been able to B.L.E.S.S. [...]

YOU+ | Week 8

Feb 26, 2023 | Address Your Idols Big Idea Disciples of Jesus disentangle themselves from the idolatry of wealth and possessions by seeking God’s Kingdom first. Scripture Matthew 6:19-24 Opening [...]

YOU+ | Week 7

Feb 19, 2023 | Develop Deep Disciplines Big Idea Disciples of Jesus pursue a growing connection with God through spiritual practices. Scripture Matthew 6:1-18 Opening Questions How have you been [...]

YOU+ | Week 6

Feb 12, 2023 | Radically Love Others Big Idea Disciples of Jesus learn to love others with a humble, radical, self-sacrificing love. Scripture Matthew 5:21-48 Opening Questions How have you been [...]

YOU+ | Week 5

Feb 5, 2023 | Transform Your Heart Big Idea Disciples of Jesus engage in Scripture, God’s Word, for the purpose of heart transformation. Scripture Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 22:37-40, 2 Timothy [...]

YOU+ | Week 4

Jan 29, 2023 | Be Salt & Light Big Idea Disciples of Jesus continually look for ways to reveal the presence of Jesus and the availability of his Kingdom to the watching world. Scripture [...]

YOU+ | Week 3

Jan 22, 2023 | The Guide to a Flourishing Life Big Idea Disciples of Jesus adopt his upside-down way of thinking as they follow him in the ways of his Kingdom. Scripture Matthew 5:1-13 Opening [...]

YOU+ | Week 2

Jan 15, 2022 | Embrace God’s Kingdom Disciples of Jesus choose to live lives aligned with the Kingdom of God. Scripture Matthew 4:17-20, John 17:13-19, Philippians 3:18-21 Opening Questions [...]

YOU+ | Week 1

Jan 8, 2022 | The Flourishing Life The YOU+ life is a flourishing life lived as a disciple of Jesus. What is a disciple? A person who hears from God and does what he says. Scripture John 10:10, [...]

Making Room in Advent | Week 6

Jan 1, 2022 | Look for Him We make room for God to work in our lives when we look for him and join him. Scripture Luke 2:22-35 Opening Questions How have you been able to B.L.E.S.S. others [...]

Making Room in Advent | Week 5

Dec 24, 2022 | God Goes Out of His Way God goes out of his way to make room for those who feel most excluded. Scripture Luke 2:1-20 Opening Questions How have you been able to B.L.E.S.S. others [...]

Making Room in Advent | Week 4

Dec 18, 2022 | Make Room Through Repentance We make room for God to have center stage in our lives through repentance. Scripture Luke 1:76-80, Luke 3:1-6 Opening Questions How have you been able [...]

Making Room in Advent | Week 3

Dec 11, 2022 | Make Room for Others We make room for God’s purposes by making room for each other. Scripture Luke 1:39-56 Opening Questions How have you been able to B.L.E.S.S. others recently? [...]

Making Room in Advent | Week 2

Dec 4, 2022 | Embrace Your Limitations Big Idea We make room for God’s power by embracing our limitations. Scripture Luke 1:26-38 Opening Questions How have you been able to B.L.E.S.S. others [...]

Making Room in Advent | Week 1

Nov 27, 2022 | Wait With Hope We make room for God’s promises by waiting with hope. Scripture Luke 1:5-25, Luke 1:57-66, Isaiah 40:31 Opening Thoughts and Discussion How have you been able to [...]

Starting Over | Week 5

Nov 13, 2022 |  Living Beyond Your Regrets Living beyond your regrets is not a one-time fix but a discipline God can help you employ whenever you need it. Scripture Acts 22:1-21 Opening Thoughts [...]

Starting Over | Week 4

Nov 6, 2022 | Redeem Your Regrets To fully exit the Sorry Cycle and start over, we need to allow God to redeem our regrets, trusting him to make something good out of them. Scripture Mark 10:45, [...]

Starting Over | Week 3

Oct 30, 2022 | Release Your Regrets In order to be free from the Sorry Cycle and the burden that holding on to regret can have on us, we must move to the second step and release it. Scripture [...]

Starting Over | Week 2

Oct 23, 2022 | Recognizing Your Regrets To break out of the Sorry Cycle of longing and regret, we must first recognize our regret to understand what it is we are feeling sorry about. Scripture 2 [...]

Kingdom Perspectives

A three-week series hearing from different cultures. These three stand-alone weeks will explore a particular Bible passage through the lens of different cultural perspectives. In order to truly [...]

YOU+ Parenting

Parents are looking for parenting wisdom – the church can help. This five-week series will offer biblical and practical advice to help parents raise kids and students who flourish in their faith, [...]

Why Church?

What is the Church? In this 4-week series, we’ll establish a biblical understanding of what the church is and look at three God-centered answers to the question, “Why Church?” As we remember why [...]


Jesus is a peacemaker. Jesus’ way of making peace is very different from the way many people pursue peace today. What can we learn from the last week of Jesus’ life about his way of making peace?


The YOU+ life is the life Jesus came to bring. To be a disciple of Jesus involves more than just believing in him. But how can we experience the life that Jesus meant for us to live? By becoming [...]

Making Room in Advent

Advent is a season of transition between what is and what will be. Preparation for the Christmas season can often feel busy and frantic, but it doesn’t have to be that way. What if we stopped and [...]


Tools to Grow Relationally, Physically, Mentally and Spiritually

COMMUNITY Bible Reading Plan Sign Up

Fill out the information below to have the COMMUNITY Bible Reading Plan delivered directly to your inbox.  Don’t worry, you can  unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the [...]

Gifts of Stock

Make Non-Cash Gifts of Stock (Or other stuff) Download information about gifts of stock or other marketable securities. Contact us about In-Kind Gifts (like cars, jewelry or other property) or [...]


At COMMUNITY, everything we do, every dollar we invest is about helping people find their way back to God.

Our Story

COMMUNITY is a church that began as the dream of five friends from college who wanted to create a place that would help people find their way back to God.