From Fear to Faith | Nov 11 – Nov 17, 2018
Message Big Idea
Turn the Page” by letting go of fear and stepping out to do what God wants to do through you.
Ice Breaker
What’s your favorite fall activity? Have you made time for it this year yet?
Opening Thought
Some of us may have grown up hearing the story of Moses or watching some of the movie adaptations of his life. What has been your experience with the story? What was your first introduction?
Bible Discussion
- Read Exodus 3:1-14, what stood out to you?
- Where in the story is Moses brave and where does his bravery desert him?
- Read Exodus 4:1-17, what struck you here?
- Why do you think God gave Moses signs like the staff turning into the snake? What was the point?
Life Application
- Moses’ response to God was to ask for proof, a sign and miracle in addition to the burning bush he’d already witnessed (in Exodus 4). As readers of the story, how did that request strike you?
- When faced with challenges, which statement do you typically struggle with the most? Why that one?
• I am not good enough.
• I am not strong enough.
• I am not gifted enough.
- How can we begin to answer our negative identity statements with God’s positive, “I am” declaration? What steps could you take to address it?
- Living a life of courage requires stepping out where we can’t always see clear next steps. Sometimes it means taking a leap even if we can’t see where our feet will land. What is God calling you into? What have you been resistant to?
Take some time this week to pray for the next steps on your journey. Be honest with yourself on where you have been holding back out of fear and plan out a way to take that next step. Share your plan with someone in your group and pray for each other.
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