Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day

Our frenetic, fast-paced way of life cuts off our connection to God, to each other, and even to our own souls. We are in need of a slow-down spirituality that will help us rediscover who we are and the life we are meant to live.

In this series, based on the book and teachings of John Mark Comer, we will learn how to stay connected to God, each other, and ourselves in the chaos of the modern world.

Week 1 | May 9, 2021 | What is Our Greatest Enemy?

Jesus invites us to move away from hurry and into the relaxed rhythm of his way.

Week 2 | May 16, 2021 | Can We Put Down Our Phones?

Jesus invites us to move away from hurry and into solitude.

Week 3 | May 23, 2021 | Less Really IS More

Jesus invites us to move away from hurry and into simplicity.

Week 4 | May 30, 2021 | How to Live 24/6

Jesus invites us to move away from hurry and into Sabbath.