Giving | Oct 8 – 14, 2017

Series Big Idea

Jesus’ life and teaching can help us simplify our lives and experience a clutter-free soul.

Message Big Idea

We can be freed from our anxiety, worry, and fear when we put our trust in the One who promises to give us peace.


Matthew 14:22-33; Philippians 4:6-7

Ice Breaker

  1. Who was your role model when you were a child?

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Matthew 14:22 – 33. What phrases, words, or details about this story stand out to you?
  2. Read Philippians 4:6-7. How would you put this passage in your own words?
  3. In the above verse, what does “with thanksgiving” mean? How do you present a request to God with thanksgiving?

Life Application

  1. On a scale of 1 – 10 how likely are you to take your focus off Jesus when you experience adversity?
  2. What is a recent example of a time you experienced adversity and either took your eyes off Jesus or stayed connected to him?
  3. How could we integrate prayer as way to overcome anxiousness and worry?


The next time you find yourself getting anxious and losing focus on Jesus be ready to pray with thanksgiving and ask yourself, “Where has God come through for me in the past?” Take time as a group to share times of hope when facing adversity and encourage one another to rely on God and his community when facing current hardships or the inevitable troubles in the future.