The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
Week 3 | Less Really IS More
May 23 – 29, 2021
Big Idea
Jesus invites us to move away from hurry and into simplicity.
Ice Breaker
Would you rather be only able to eat one thing for the rest of your life or never be able to taste ever again?
Opening Thought
We’ve been talking about what it’s like to live a busy life and hurried versus the life that God has called us to live in fullness. In what ways have you noticed ‘hurry sickness’ in your life? Where do you typically see ‘hurry sickness’ show up?
Bible Discussion
- Read Luke 12:13-21. What stood out to you?
- Read Matthew 6:33. How does this expand your understanding of the parable in Luke 12?
- What have you been taught about greed and money in church settings in the past?
Life Application
- We as humans often have an ‘accumulation problem’ where we think that accumulating more will solve our problems. Have you ever bought into the idea that ‘with X amount of money I’ll finally be happy?’ How did that turn out?
- Selfish greed equals foolishness, the kind of life and actions that eventually alienates everyone around us and leaves us isolated and alone. Have you ever known someone who was driven by this kind of selfish greed?
- The solution to greed isn’t simply to never buy anything; it’s about changing your inner desire from more to less. Simplicity is the medicine that helps us counteract greed. Have you ever tried intentional simplicity in your life? If so, what was the result? If not, where could you start to embrace simplicity?
- Read the quote by Richard Foster and discuss it: “Simplicity is an inward reality seen in an outward lifestyle.” -Richard Foster
- Consider one of two actions this week, a Purchase Pause where you resist the urge to buy anything but necessities (groceries, toiletries, and the occasional service) or a Possession Purge where you go through your things and intentionally donate items you aren’t using to charity. Which one would be harder for you?
Spend some time together as a group meditating on these questions, perhaps with pen and paper or something to jot down notes. Read these out loud and give everyone time to think (perhaps 20-30 seconds):
- What are the messages or definitions of “success” I’ve taken on?
- How did my family of origin shape my relationship to money and possessions?
- If I look at my bank statement and my calendar, how do I prioritize my time and money?
- How do I know if I own my possessions or if they own me?
- What sort of emotional attachments do I have to my things?
- Do I recognize how marketing and media stir my desire for more, bigger, better?
- Does my current reality suggest that I value pursuing…
- more stress, more clutter, more hurry or
- more joy, more connection, more meaning?