April 2, 2023 | The Cost of Peace

Big Idea

Jesus reveals true peacemaking and calls us to follow him in his peacemaking ways.


Luke 19:28-44

Opening Questions

  1. How have you been able to B.L.E.S.S. someone recently?
  2. What is one thing on your bucket list?
  3. How would you define peace?

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Luke 19:28-44. In verses 41-42, Jesus weeps over the city because they do not know what it takes to make peace. He knows their lack of peacemaking will lead to their destruction by Rome. His words of warning come through heaving sobs of grief. Why do you think Jesus was so grieved by Jerusalem?

The concept of peace in this passage is based on the Hebrew word shalom. We can picture shalom as a bike wheel. If you look at a bike wheel, you’ll notice the hub at the center of the wheel, and there are spokes connected to that hub that connect in many places on the outside rim of the wheel. Let’s say God is at the center of the wheel, and each individual spoke is God’s relationship with everything in the universe: individual people, governments, and people groups. The wheel works best when all of the spokes are connected to God at the center. That’s shalom when the circle is unbroken. However, when we are not rightly related to God, it’s like the spokes are broken. And if you have broken spokes in your wheel, sooner or later, it won’t work properly. The spokes need to be repaired so the wheel will continue running smoothly. We could think about our individual lives in a similar way. Place yourself at the center of the wheel. Each spoke represents your relationships to God, people, and the world. Are you rightly related to them? If not, it’s like a spoke is broken. When we repair those broken relationships, we make peace.

  1. What do you think about this idea of peace? How is it similar or different from other ideas of peace you’ve held?

Life Application

  1. To make peace, it means we have to move toward conflict. How challenging is it for you to move toward conflict? How can we move toward conflict healthily and helpfully?
  2. To make peace, we will have to assume a posture of humility. What does it look like to be humble amid conflict?
  3. To make peace, we will often pay the cost of making peace. How does making peace cost us something?
  4. Where do you need to work for peace in your life? How can we support you as you do that?