God is doing a new thing in us and through us and we are asking Him for a BREAKTHROUGH

This series will journey through the book of Acts to learn how the Spirit was at work in the early church and how God wants to breakthrough in our lives today. We will be asking God to breakthrough in the areas of Prayer, People, Places and Plants.


Oct 20 – 26 | Week 1 | Breakthrough in Prayer

Big Idea: Breakthrough begins with the partnership between a praying people and a powerful Holy Spirit.

Oct 21 – Nov 2 | Week 2 | Breakthrough in People

Big Idea: The Spirit brings breakthrough in people… in individual lives, in groups, and in whole communities.

Nov 3 – 9 | Week 3 | Breakthrough in Places

Big Idea: The Spirit brings breakthrough in specific places in specific ways.

Nov 10 – 16 | Week 4 | Breakthrough in Plants

Big Idea: The Spirit brings breakthrough by planting new churches.

Nov 17 – 23 | Week 5 | Breakthrough in Faith

Big Idea: The Spirit brings breakthrough when we courageously step forward in faith.

Nov 24 – 30 | Week 6 | Breakthrough in Thanksgiving

Big Idea: When the Spirit brings breakthrough, we respond together with thanksgiving.