Jesus is Here | April 9 – April 15, 2017
Series Big Idea
Jesus is unlike anyone you’ve ever known. In Jesus, you’ll discover a new way of living.
Message Big Idea
Jesus is here. In Jesus, you are never alone.
Ice Breaker and Opening Thought
1. If you could have dinner with anyone living or not, who would it be and why?
2. Share about the last time you laughed so hard you nearly cried.
Bible Discussion
3. Read John 11:17-37. What stood out to you?
4. Reread John 11:21-23 & 32-35. How did Martha and Mary respond differently to Jesus? How did Jesus respond to each of them?
5. How would you have responded to Jesus?
Life Application
6. Watch this week’s testimony video. (media page) What is your reaction to this story?
7. Have you experienced a time where Jesus felt near or distant in a difficult season? What was that like?
End your group time by specifically praying for anyone experiencing a difficult season or feeling that Jesus is not here. It’s a good time to reflect whether you believe Jesus is here and that he can get you through anything. Invite the Holy Spirit into your presence so that you may feel comforted and not alone. Continue to pray for each other throughout the week.