Becoming Like Jesus

Week 4 | Jesus Understood Initmacy

January 23, 2022

Big Idea

To be deeply formed into the image of Christ, we must give ourselves to relationships that cultivate sexual wholeness.


Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:19-25, Matthew 19:1-6, Hebrews 2:14-18

Opening Questions

  1. During this last week, who were you able to B.L.E.S.S.? Or who can you B.L.E.S.S. this week?
  2. How have your priorities changed over time? Explain.
  3. To be deeply formed into the image of Jesus, we will want to give ourselves to relationships that cultivate sexual wholeness. What message about sex do we hear and see in our broader culture? What messages and ideas on sex have you received in church settings? In what ways are the Church and the culture similar or different?
  4. In the message for this week, the topic of sexuality was broadened to say that our sexuality is not centered on the act of sex. It is centered on connection. It is centered on belonging. It is centered on being in community with one another. The act of sex is part of our sexuality, but NOT the whole of it! Does this make sense to you? Elaborate. See also the quote from Deb Hirsch in question 8.

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Genesis 2:19-25 & Matthew 19:1-6. What do you notice in these passages? What do these verses mean for our sexuality?
  2. Read Hebrews 2:14-18 and 1 Corinthians 7:6-9. What do you notice? This is one place where the Apostle Paul holds up celibacy in a positive light. In what ways do these passages push against some of the common messages we hear about sex and marriage?

Life Application

  1. Sex is a gift from God to be enjoyed and explored within the context of a marriage. How does that statement strike you?
  2. Sexuality goes beyond the mechanics of intercourse to connection with others. Read Deb Hirsch’s statement below. What do you think or feel about what she says?

“Sexuality can be described as the deep desire and longing that drives us beyond our souls in an attempt to connect with, to understand, that which is other than ourselves. Essentially, it is a longing to know and be known by other people on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.” – Deb Hirsch, Redeeming Sex

  1. G. K. Chesterton said, “The man who rings the bell at the brothel, unconsciously does so seeking God.” How can our community be one where we find connection whether we are single or married. What could you do individually to help our community be a place where people find connection? What could our group do?
  2. In steps can you take toward connectedness and belonging? How might you invite God into that process?