Jan 8, 2022 | The Flourishing Life
The YOU+ life is a flourishing life lived as a disciple of Jesus. What is a disciple? A person who hears from God and does what he says.
Opening Questions
- How have you been able to B.L.E.S.S. others recently?
- What conversation will you remember forever? Tell us about it.
- Today we’ll look at a conversation someone had with Jesus that transformed their life. Conversations have that kind of transformational potential. We’re hoping this next year will have that kind of impact on all of us.
Bible Discussion
- Read Luke 19:1-10. What about this story and Zacchaeus’ encounter with Jesus stands out to you?
- Bible Scholar Craig Keener said this about our text: “In ancient accounts of discipleship, a radical response with possessions was a certain sign of newly acquired devotion to the teacher.” Why do you think his response to Jesus was so radical?
- Read John 10:10. Jesus came to bring us life to the full. That’s what we mean by living a YOU+ life. Jesus doesn’t want us to live a YOU life but a YOU+ life. A simple key to living a YOU+ life is to “hear from God and do what God says.” What do you think or feel about that simple “key” to living the YOU+ life?
Life Application
- From January 9-29, our church is engaging in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. This time is designed to help us hear from God and then do what God says. How do you plan to engage in this period of fasting? Visit communitychristian.org/21days to learn more!
- Everyone in our church will be challenged to sign up for a YOU+ Conversation, and those conversations will begin on January 30. A YOU+ Conversation is designed to help you with the next steps as a disciple of Jesus this coming year by creating a personalized YOU+ plan. As a group, take a few minutes to visit youplus.info to begin your pre-work. How might engaging in a YOU+ Conversation be helpful to you as a follower of Jesus?