
 We have been entrusted with the mission of helping people find their way back to God.

During this three week series we will all be challenged to invite friends, family members, neighbors, and co-workers to join us at COMMUNITY for Show Up Sunday on September 17. Show Up Sunday is all about our mission of hpftwbtG. Every Christ-follower at COMMUNITY will be challenged to live out this mission not only for Show Up Sunday, but as a part of their every day lives.

Aug 27 | Week 1 – The Mission

Big Idea: To carry out our mission, we have to understand the mission.

Sept 3 | Week 2 – The Motive

Big Idea: To carry out our mission, we have to own the mission.

Sept 10  | Week 3 – The Method

Big Idea: To carry out our mission, we have to live the mission.